Tuesday, December 15, 2009

December 15, 2009 Magyk

One day, Sarah's friend came to visit because she heard a lot of gossip she wanted to tell Sarah. Everybody at her cafe was saying that the queen's guards shot her and she was dead. Then they said that the queen had a baby girl and she was taken by the Extra Ordinary Wizard for safe-keeping. So, now Silas and Sara knew that Jenna was the princess. Now the story is getting interesting.

December 13, 2009

Whenever anybody learned magyk, their eyes turned green. One day Silas and his sons were fishing and a guard asked them for some papers. Silas didn't know what they were. The guard let them go, but called them Wizard-Scum. Silas got all worried because something funny was going on. Wizards didn't used to be treated like that. His sons weren't allowed to study magyk at school any more so they studied it at home. One day, all six boys had green eyes. That's pretty creepy that your eyes would turn colors if you learned something. Then everybody would know what you learned.

December 11, 2009 Magyk

Silas and Sarah are raising the little baby girl. Her name is Jenna. All the people in the land live in the castle. Well, it didn't start as a castle. It started as a little village and more and more people came. So they built walls around it to keep out bad witches and warlocks and the wolverines. Then they built a mote, and it was a castle. No one will walk in the forest at night except Silas. His dad was a shape shifter and shape shifted to a tree and couldn't change back. So the forest scares most people, but Silas likes it because it is by his dad. Also, he likes it because he can see the whole castle thing from the hill where the forest is. That was a good chapter. It got a little boring because there was no action, but it was still good.

December 10, 2009 Magyk

I just started reading a new book called Magyk. I picked it because I like strange and wierd things and it seemed strange and wierd. So far the story is that there is this wizard family and the mom's name is Sarah and the dad's is Silas. They had six boys and the day the seventh boy was born he died. But on the same day Silas found Jenna, a baby girl. When he found her her lips were blue from the coldness. So he took her home to raise her. So far it is not wierd and strange, but I like it.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Humphrey the Hamster 12/1/09

I read a book called Friendship According to Humphrey. It is about a hamster named Humphrey that lives in a classroom. He is the one telling the stories of what happens in the classroom. He talks about learning with the students and also what goes on when they leave. He gets to go home with students every weekend.

At first he is the only pet in the classroom. But then the teacher brings in a frog named Og. Humphrey doesn't like him because he thinks he isn't friendly because all he says is "Boing." "Boing" here "boing" there, all he says is "boing." But by the end of the book they are friends because he saves Humphrey from being seen out of his cage.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

November 2, 2009

November 1, 2009

October 31, 2009

October 30, 2009

I'm still reading about the Baudelaire children and Count Olaf. Count Olaf showed up at the mill diguised as a receptionist named Shirley. Sir had to hand the children over to her. He didnt mind because he didn't want them any more. Klaus caused too many accidents. but Sir didn't know he was hypnotized by Shirley. So in the end, they have to go to their new home, which is in the next book.

October 29, 2009

I am reading Lemony Snicket Book 4. This unfortunate event was the ''LuckyLo's Lunbermill''. It wasen't very luky for the Baudelaire children. They were sent to a guy and they didn't even know his name. When they got to the lumber mill they thought the letters were just slimy and chunky, but when they got up close it was gum. Everything was written in gum. Chewed and everything. They were forced to work in the lumbermill. So far, I love this book! Count Olaf is a gruesome, ugly creature who is really a man with a big hairy nose!

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

10/19/09 Little Women

Chapter 13 is "Autumn Secrets." Jo dropped off two stories that she wrote herself to the newspaper guy to see if he would print them. It was funny because she was so mysterious. Laurie told Jo a secret. Mr. Brooke has Meg's glove and he carries it around with him in his pocket. Jo doesn't like his secret because she thinks Mr. Brooke is rude because he stole her glove. I think it's romantic.

10/18/09 Little Women

Castles in the air are dreams. My dream is to become a veterinarian and have 2 kids and a dog and a cat and a horse because I love animals and I love to just look at them and see how majestic they are. I think I can make a connection with the Busy Bee Society because I, too, am a busy bee.

Little Women 10/15/09

Chapter 12 is called "Castles in the Air." Laurie is jealous because the March girls went up on a big hill to do their work. So he asks if he can join the group. Actually, Meg called it the "Busy Bee Society" and told him if he wanted to join he had to be useful. I think it's neat that Beth knows how to make things out of pine cones.

Little Women 10/14/09

So, the March girls are on a picnic with the English people. Meg and Mr. Brooke started liking each other. I think they might start hanging out with each other a lot. Maybe by the end of the book, they'll be married and have kids. I hope they live by Meg's sisters and not in Europe if they get married.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Little Women 10/13/09

Chapter 11 is called ''A Summer picnic'' and its about 1 snot nosed women and 3 of her bro's and
sisters.The snot noused one is the oldisd, and her name is Kate. The other girl's name is Grace.
They went on a picnic with English people that Laurie knew when he went to Europe. Kate was like "oh, well, you are a governess" to Meg, and Meg said she forgot that English people looked down on governesses. When they were playing a game, the story said the English played well, but the Americans played better.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Little Women 10/12/09

The next chapter is called "Spring Ends and Play Begins." Summertime came and Jo and Meg got a vacation from work. They wanted to play and do no work at all. They told the other girls, and all of them thought it would be great to do nothing at all for the whole summer. They told Marmee about their idea, and she said they should do it for a week as an experiment. During the week they got bored and they didn't like it at all. After they told Marmee they didn't like it, she told them "all play and no work is just as bad as all work and no play." This chapter taught them a good lesson to have balance between work and play. During summer vacation when I didn't do anything but play, I got bored too. Kids should have chores so they don't use up all their fun activities in one day.

Little Women 10/11/09

Chapter 8 was "Meg Has a Beauty Lesson." Meg was staying a few weeks at a friend's house in the summer. They were having a big fancy party and Meg didn't want to go to it because she didn't have anything fancy enough for it. So the friend's older sister decided to dress Meg up like a doll for the party. Meg felt rich and pretty. She saw Laurie at the party and he hated her outfit because it wasn't her. He also saw her drinking champagne and he told her not to drink too much of it or she would get a splitting headache. She didn't listen to him, and the next day she had a splitting headache. She learned that it is not good to not be yourself. If she would have just been herself in her own old dress she would have had a better time. Even though you don't have much money, you should always be thankful of what you have.

Little Women 10/10/09

Chapter 8 is called "Jo Finds Some Weak Spots." Jo and Amy had a big fight. Then Jo started saying, "no" to everything Amy asked. Jo and Laurie went ice skating on the lake, because back then they didn't have ice rings. Amy asked to go, and Jo obviously said "no" because they were still in the big fight. Marmee told Amy she should go along and that Laurie would probably convince Jo to let her skate with them. Laurie said he would check out the ice, and the middle wasn't safe. Amy didn't hear him say that so then when she skated out toward the middle, the ice collapsed and she fell in. Laurie and Jo skated really fast to where Amy fell in and Laurie went for help while Jo tried to get her out. They got her out and Amy was still alive at the moment. Jo felt very guilty about that. She said her sorries and said that the fight was over while Amy was sleeping. Reading about when Amy fell in was really scary. It got me to the edge of my seat.

Little Women 10/9/09

Chapter 7 of this book is called "Amy Learns a Sour Lesson." All the kids at school were passing out limes to their friends to show friendship. Everybody got at least 3 limes. Amy felt really bad because she couldn't give any because she didn't have any money to buy limes. So she went to Meg and asked for a quarter to buy 2 dozens of limes. (things didn't cost much back then). She took the limes with her to class. One of her enemies told that she had limes in her desk and she got smacks on the hands with a ruler for it. She had to throw all her limes out the window, too. I think that was really harsh on Amy, and I think the one that told on Amy should take an attitude pill.

Little Women 10/12/09

Chapter six is called ''Beth's Piano Lesson''. Beth is scared of Mr. Laurence because he stared at her. He offered her the use of his piano to try to make her more comfortable again. Beth used the piano every once in a while to practice, but not if she saw anyone. She was so self-conscious about her playing. Plus she was really shy. She was so grateful to Mr. Laurence that she made him slippers. His little granddaughter died a while ago and she loved to play the piano. Now since Beth made him slippers, he made a thank you note and gave her his granddaughter's piano. I really liked this chapter because it was very loving. I was surprised that Beth made hismslippers because she is usually the shy one.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Little Women 10/5/09

Chapter five is called "Being Neighborly." The Laurence boy has a cold and it's winter and he was shut up in his room. Jo wanted to see what was wrong so she threw a snowball at his window. He opened the window and talked to her. Mr. Laurence wasn't home because he went to find the doctor. Jo took him some books. He gave her a tour of the house. It had a whole library inside, so I think it was a huge house. Anyway, she went home and told everybody about the tour and that she might be falling for the Laurence boy. This chapter was funny and sarcastic, and at the end it was super-funny when Jo got caught talking to Laurie in the library by Mr. Laurence. I think Jo and the Laurence boy are going to be going out, and maybe even get married.

Little Women 10/4/09

Today I read Chapter 4, "Burdens and Blessings." All the girls had to go back to their regular routine of doing chores and jobs after the holidays. They hated getting back to their jobs because they didn't like working. Jo's normal job was taking care of Aunt March. She doesn't know how to read, and she can't see very well, and she can't hear very well. She is a cranky old lady and Jo has to wait on her hand and foot. Meg's normal job is being a governess to the King children. The King children have a lot of money because the older sisters go to parties all the time and they have lots of party dresses. The two younger sisters, Amy and Beth, had to do their school lessons. They all were complaining so Marmee told them a story about a family with four sisters in it. They were good girls, but they always wished they had something they didn't have. This old lady told them that every time they wished they had more they needed to stop and think about what they already had and be grateful. I think this chapter was a little harsh, but pretty good. I liked the story Marmee told the girls the story because it taught them to stop complaining. They had each other.

Little Women 10/03/09

Chapter three is called ''The Laurence Boy.'' Meg and Jo got an invitation to go to a dance on New Year's Eve at their next door neighbor's house. Jo had a burn in the back of her party dress but no one noticed. Jo felt out of place because she didn't know anybody so she went to hide behind the curtains. The Laurence boy was already hiding there for the same reason. They talked about how her cat always ran away and he always brought it back. His name is Laurie and they never knew that before. Meg sprained her ankle dancing in her high heeled shoes. The Laurence boy took Meg and Jo home in a horse-drawn carriage and it made them feel elegant and festive. I loved this chapter because it is so romantic like when Jo and the Laurence boy got to dance.

Little Women 10/02/09

Chapter two is called " Merry Christmas." On Christmas morning, the girls got up quick as a flash and hurried downstairs with their surprise gifts. Marmee wasn't there but Hannah the housekeeper, who works for free, was there making breakfast. Just when the girls were going to sit down to eat, Marmee came home. She told them about a room with a broken window that held a mother that had a newborn baby and three bigger kids that only had one thin blanket to keep warm and the mother was sick.In my opinion that is the worst thing that could happen to you on Chrismas.Hannah (the housekeeper)lit a fire and put her coat in the broken window.
Marmee gave the mom tea and broth.They felt very good about giveing there breakfast to the

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Little Women 10/01/09

Little Women is a book about four sisters. The oldest girl's name is Margaret, but they call her Meg. She is sixteen and very pretty. She was very nice from what I've read. The second oldest girl's name is Josephine, but they call her Jo. She is kind of the tough one of the family. At first I thought she was a guy because it was just the first chapter. The next to youngest girl's name is Beth, but really it is Elizabeth. She is thirteen years old and is everybody's favorite. She is very shy. She has a soft voice and her face is always calm. She is always cheerful. The youngest girl's name is Amy. She was mannerly. She had blue eyes and curly blond hair. These four sisters call their mom "Marmee." Their Dad was too old to be a soldier but he was a chaplain in the war so he was away most of the time.

The first chapter of this book is called "Marmee's Girls" because is introduces everybody. It is Christmas and the girls aren't getting presents because they are poor. But each girl has $1 to spend. Beth said they should all buy stuff for Marmee instead of buying what they wanted. Meg wants to get her some gloves, Jo wants to get her Army shoes, Beth wants to get her some handkerchiefs, and Amy is going to get her a little bottle of perfume.